How could this happen?

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  • 10 posts
  • How could this happen?

    Last saved project 11/15/2020

    How can you fix it?

    Is it due to updates?


    I will try to copy the rest of the code and embed it in the old one, suddenly it turns out Frankinstein

  • It makes no sense just.

    I have to start over, so many days have gone into a hole

    I think this is due to those crash crashes that had to be saved in order to start again.

    It's a shame, I'm just depressed.

  • Press F12, open browser console and check error codes

  • unfortunately the project is broken. just half of the code turned to zeros. I wanted to combine the code of two projects into one using a hex editor to restore at least something, but unfortunately it did not work

  • What universe did you get the idea that that would work from?

    Edit: In the event that you're serious, just a tip - make a copy of a file before you fiddle with the bits. I'm amazed you know how to use a hex editor and not make backups.

  • What universe did you get the idea that that would work from?

    Edit: In the event that you're serious, just a tip - make a copy of a file before you fiddle with the bits. I'm amazed you know how to use a hex editor and not make backups.

    I did this in the operating folder, to which two files were added in advance, the first damaged file, the other working but old file.

    I worked a lot with Hex editors, usually with the help of this program I manage to create miracles, and this time I also believed that I could do it, but unfortunately it did not work out.

    Of course, everything is done with a copy of the file, the file is just broken from the inside, I just didn't understand how this could happen.

  • Hi, I don't understand how a Hex editor is relevant here. Construct 3 uses a simple JSON project structure, which is readable.

    You can simply insert, remove and append the objects. Or, replace the actual .json files.

  • Hi, I don't understand how a Hex editor is relevant here. Construct 3 uses a simple JSON project structure, which is readable.

    You can simply insert, remove and append the objects. Or, replace the actual .json files.

    You see, the file structure is just 70% damaged. And even when trying to open a file in "Win Rar" an error is thrown. In general, no one will help. I have already started working with the previously saved file.


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  • Is it damaged because you messed with the file in hex editor?

    c3p file is just a zip archive, which contains JSON files. If zip is corrupted, there are tools that may help to fix it and restore at least some files.

    If you need to edit JSON files, you use Notepad, not a hex editor!

    Seriously, this is one of the weirdest things I've read on this forum!

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