How do I make my function parameter work correctly globally?

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  • I have an inventory system that calls the "item" parameter and everything mostly works as it should. However when I move to another layout the inventory doesn't carry over.

    The spots the items were in are saved, meaning any items I pick up in the second room won't be placed in parts of the inventory that had items in the previous layout. When I return to the original layout the items return to where they were, and vice versa.

    The key actually does stay, but that's only because transitioning rooms removes it from the array, but not the inventory screen. So it is overwritten. That's another little bug if anyone else knows something about that too haha.

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  • I would anticipate some logic such as when you open the inventory, spawn the icon that is in slot 1 and in slot 2 etc. That way it is always matching what is in the array. You need to create logic to keep the visual inventory matching what's stored in the array.

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