How do I fix mask collision?

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  • Hi, I can't set up a collision mask for my project. The problem is that when testing, the sprite does not see some points of collision. Help solve this issue.

    The link my projekt

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  • Not exactly sure what's going on here, but you might have better luck breaking up your collision polygon into multiple simpler objects. Collisions with complex concave shapes have a reputation for having issues. In general you probably want to avoid having such a large sprite object to begin with.

  • Not exactly sure what's going on here, but you might have better luck breaking up your collision polygon into multiple simpler objects. Collisions with complex concave shapes have a reputation for having issues. In general you probably want to avoid having such a large sprite object to begin with.

    Solved the problem: initially the sprite was 13000 pi. Divided the track into equal parts in Photoshop, up to 4000 pixels. I added physics and a collision mask to each sprite. During testing, it is processed normally.

    Thank you for answering.

    By the way, I made a tile background with the same collision polygon - physics was not processed anyway.

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