How do I fix these broken collisions?

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  • The collision polygons I have for these sprites seem way, way off from what they should be. No idea what's wrong here, but I've linked some examples below.

    The first three images show areas I can't enter due to solid collision. I'm holding the direction I'm facing in each of them. The last image shows the collision of all sprites. Collision for the beds is a box sprite the exact size of each of them.

  • You need to change the collision collision of the hero. Collision collision with furniture and map details should be equal to his shadow.

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  • You need to change the collision collision of the hero. Collision collision with furniture and map details should be equal to his shadow.

    Good point; that does make a lot more sense. But after changing this the issue still remains for all of the spots shown in the original images.

    I even went ahead and made the character not solid as well as no collisions enabled for them, just to see, and it didn't change anything. Now I'm even more confused haha

  • You can attach a *.c3p with the problematic scene.

  • You can attach a *.c3p with the problematic scene.

    I ended up switching the player movement to 8-direction, and it fixed the issue when I added your original fix to it like I did with tile. It works better for this anyway, but I'm not sure why the tile movement was so clunky in comparison.

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