As the title suggests, I was wondering if it is possible to find specific text strings in the array editor since using Ctrl+F in it doesn't seem to work.
As a bit of background as to why I'd need to;
I'm using a .json file to inject text into an array object, which is then relayed to the game to display text. This was made so that adding other languages could be done with a flick of an option and translated to other languages with ease.
But since each line of text is stored in this one array, it's easy to forget if I already added an expression/line of dialogue, and on which line it's located.
While I could export the .json and load it in an external program to find what I need, I was wondering if there was a classier option/method that I might've overlooked to find the strings I want.
For reference, I am currently using version 293.3