FileSystem Confusion

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  • I'm trying out the new FileSystem plugin and am confused by the behavior I'm seeing. Using the "Show open file picker" action reads a Desktop file as expected, but using "Show folder picker" action with the Desktop folder results in a security error:

    Can't open this folder can't open this folder because it contains system files

    I understand what the error seems to be indicating but how else is one supposed to get a list of available desktop files to open?

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  • Browsers block access to certain folders for security reasons. For example if you granted a web page access to your entire Documents folder, the web page can access everything there - and a malicious page could then try to steal it all. To mitigate that you can't select the entire folder for certain sensitive folders like Desktop, Documents etc., but you can select a subfolder within them.

    If you only need to open one file, then just use the open file picker anyway - the user can just choose themselves rather than having your project try to list all available files.

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