I'm not sure how to explain this issue but with the following function below:
And this is the array data:
Now, if i try to call this function and search by parameter name "Level" on the LAST array in the list it will crash the layout.
However, if i search by the first parameter in the array, "Name", this does not crash.
And if I search by the third parameter in the array, "Prestige", it crashes.
If I MOVE this to the top of the function it runs without issue
So at this point I thought maybe there was a limit to this while loop? So I created a duplicate function and removed all checks for other arrays
This crashes the layout still.
HOWEVER if i add a "dummy" check for any other DB below it, it will function
Note that this function works perfectly fine with every other array, only specifically the FIFTH.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
Link to a demo project file: dropbox.com/s/j6xfe23eb2etlyn/c3WeirdIssue.c3p