Export Errors

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From the Asset Store
7 Errors
$15 USD
7 Errors is a game where you have to find the 7 mistakes before time runs out. Can you find all 7? Have fun looking.
  • Hi all. After exporting my game in NW 0.82, the game is only displaying a black screen when opening. It displays the following console errors:

    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND

    workermain.js:5 [C3 runtime] Failed to load all engine scripts in worker: TypeError: Failed to execute 'createObjectURL' on 'URL': Overload resolution failed.

    at LoadScripts (workermain.js:2:258)

    at InitRuntime (workermain.js:5:264)

    at HandleInitRuntimeMessage (workermain.js:1:151)

    (It's a fairly large project (almost 1GB), and I've also been getting memory errors

    before export when using webp compression. However, after swapping to jpeg/png, it exports successfully. The error for the webp compression is:

    Error exporting: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'size')

    at O6.BN.Kpb.uxb (exporter.js:48:377)

    at O6.BN.Kpb.mda (exporter.js:46:93)

    at async dbb.DCc (projectResources.js:3192:367)

    at async CCG.Spa (main.js:922:144)

    CCG.Spa main.js:922"


    For the first console error however, I've turned off compression, and am only using simple script minify. It successfully exports, but won't run in NW after being exported.

    It's exported using the Windows 64-bit build, from Windows 11 and Chrome.

    Edit: Wanted to add, Windows Webview export seems to work fine, but to my knowledge you can't export a Linux build or use Steamworks with it.

    Edit 2: After testing it more, it seems to work when exporting with the older NW 0.73.

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  • You need to disable the worker in project properties. It's an NWjs bug, see comments in this post:


    I really hope they fix this soon, because disabling the worker tanks the performance in our game.

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