How do I crop all animations in a sprite?

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3 pixel charaters with over 8 animations each + animations with a gun
  • There's a way to crop all the frames in an animation, is there a way to crop all the animations in a sprite?

    Alternatively, is there a way to select the next animation via keyboard shortcut?

  • As far as I know, the answer to both questions are "no".

    I cannot find any shortcuts for selecting animations here:

    I'm on Mac, and I often use the commercial Keyboard Maestro application to simulate missing shortcuts and more. Probably other systems have similar tools too.

    Since the ANIMATIONS panel's position relative to Construct's window is fixed, it is possible to automate mouse movements and clicking sequences so that keyboard shortcuts can be assigned to them, I mean in Keyboard Maestro and similar tools. The same goes for the crop tool but all this 3rd party automation is only worth the effort if you need to do a lot of manual clicking, I guess.

  • If you click the little arrow pointing down, by the "Crop Transparent Edges" in the Sprite Editor toolbar, there is a selection of "Apply to Animation". That will crop all frames in that given animation. See screenshot here:

    I don't believe there is an option to crop all frames within all animations, though...

    Also here is a link to the shortcuts in Construct 3 . Under "Animations" there are a bunch. Looks like CTRL + Left/Right will move between frames. I do not see a shortcut for selecting the next animation the list though... Unless I missed it in the list there.

  • there a way to crop all the animations in a sprite?

    I need to add, that I was referring to this question, and not the previous one.

    If you click the little arrow pointing down, by the "Crop Transparent Edges" in the Sprite Editor toolbar, there is a selection of "Apply to Animation"

    I missed to add this, but brainwavecreations dit not forget it ;)

  • As brainwavecreations says, there is a GUI option to crop all the frames in an animation.

    There is also a keyboard shortcut to do the same ALT + C + SHIFT.

    Currently there is no keyboard shortcut to change between animations.

    Edit: I think the only reason for the absence of the option to crop all the animations in the sprite is that it wasn't an option in Construct 2, so I never even thought about adding it.

  • > there a way to crop all the animations in a sprite?

    I need to add, that I was referring to this question, and not the previous one.

    > If you click the little arrow pointing down, by the "Crop Transparent Edges" in the Sprite Editor toolbar, there is a selection of "Apply to Animation"

    I missed to add this, but brainwavecreations dit not forget it ;)

    Haha, looks like we both replied right about the same time :). Yeah, that's the extent of my knowledge as far as cropping frames in animations. That shortcut list comes in handy if you have any hardware for setting simple shortcuts as well.

    Some artists have a piece of hardware, I use a TourBox device, for digital painting. Never thought of using it for Construct though. Maybe I'll get around to it at some point. But, keyboard shortcuts in Construct are easy enough. The TourBox, is mostly to have a pen/stylus in hand, and not need a keyboard for shortcuts.

    That's beyond the point though. Don't mind my ramblings XD

    EDIT: DiegoM - Ohh yeah, forgot to mention the shortcut for that GUI option as well. It's listed under the Shortcuts Page for reference. Good to keep that shortcuts list handy. Searching "Construct 3 shortcuts" in Google/Duck Duck Go, brings the page right up as well, Laserwolve Games

  • Thanks guys. Yes, there's plenty of functionality to switch between frames, but I'm looking to crop all the animations in an entire sprite.

    AutoHotKey, Keyboard Maestro and other top-level automaters are a last ditch solution as they tend to be unreliable, especially when going through exact mouse movements and not keyboard shortcuts. It seems like that's my only choice going forward for now though.

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  • Edit: I think the only reason for the absence of the option to crop all the animations in the sprite is that it wasn't an option in Construct 2, so I never even thought about adding it.

    It would be a very great feature, should I submit a feature request?

    Normally I'd do all my cropping in a professional photo editor before uploading to Construct, however the Construct editor does a very magical thing in that it preserves the location of previous image points.

  • ...they tend to be unreliable, especially when going through exact mouse movements and not keyboard shortcuts.

    Sure, but with some extra effort a lot of time can be saved when there are no other means to speed things up. Good luck!

  • Yes, I think this is an excellent candidate for a suggestion that has very strong chances of actually being implemented. Mainly because it is very easy.

    Shortcuts for changing between animation would also be quite easy to implement, but I am not sure what should they be? Any suggestions?

  • Shortcuts for changing between animation would also be quite easy to implement, but I am not sure what should they be? Any suggestions?

    CTRL + ALT + arrow keys perhaps?

    While we are at keyboard shortcuts, I am missing these:

    • close project
    • start page
    • addons manager
    • export manager
    • settings

    I used Keyboard Maestro to automate it, but native shortcuts would be great. Am I missing something maybe?

  • Yes, I think this is an excellent candidate for a suggestion that has very strong chances of actually being implemented. Mainly because it is very easy.

    Shortcuts for changing between animation would also be quite easy to implement, but I am not sure what should they be? Any suggestions?

    Maybe the same as the frames shortcut? But, instead, using Up/Down Arrows. So Ctrl + Up, and Ctrl + Down to move up and down the animations list, if that's not already being uses in the sprite/animation editor. So you could use left & right to navigate the frames, then up & down to navigate the animations.

  • Yes, I think this is an excellent candidate for a suggestion that has very strong chances of actually being implemented. Mainly because it is very easy.

    I'll submit that request ASAP.

    Shortcuts for changing between animation would also be quite easy to implement, but I am not sure what should they be? Any suggestions?

    I've noticed that plus (+) and minus (-) are undocumented keyboard shortcuts to cycle through frames of the current animation; maybe repurpose those to toggle through animations? Or perhaps ctrl-(+) and ctrl-(-)? Really anything works, you're the expert.

  • Suggestion is up:

    Cool! Maybe you want to add a reference to this thread as well?

    BTW, I cannot vote for this I have already used up my votes for the current "season" but since Diego said it is easy to implement let's hope for the best.

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