How do I create a world map similar in style to SMB3?

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  • I've spent the last half hour pouring through old tutorials on making world maps, and all I've learned is that it sucks when a dropbox file is no longer available. Can anyone give some concepts on how I'd be able to create something like this, which behavior would be best, etc.? Thanks in advance.

  • Hello, which part of the map are you wanting specifically? Like the animations? The progression? Or just like the visuals?

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  • Mainly progression and visuals. Also sorry I didn't respond quickly, I haven't checked notifications lately.

  • The smb 3 map is simply a tilemap. You'll need to acquire or draw the actual art yourself. The tile movement behavior will take care of movement.

    In terms of progression, you can keep track of level completion in variables or an array.

    For example, the tile with a level on it can have a sprite object with the instance variable "completed" as a true/false boolean. You can use that as a condition before allowing the player to move on, as well as what animation frame for your sprite to show (completed or not).

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