On start of layout a sprite(bird) is created that has simulated 8 direction movement based on an instance list. From start the bird simulates movement downwards. At the same time another sprite(airspace) is created and is every tick placed beneath the bird sprite. This airspace sprite only serves the purpose of ensuring the bird doesn't reach the solid ground closer than 16 pixels. On collision with solid, the airspace sprite gets destroyed, and on that trigger, the bird sprite simulates moving right instead.
Now here is my issue.
I would like this sprite to change the simulated movement upwards when it reaches the X cord of BBoxRight of a third sprite(nest) that's already existing in the level. However I'm not entirely sure how to go about this.. I've tried to experiment with the compare X function, however there's surely something I'm missing in my execution. I guess what I've done is creating an event that compares X cord of bird sprite with BBoxRight x cord of nest sprite, but nothing triggers the bird to simulate movement upwards.
All chime ins are appreciated.