How do I create a memory match game with different levels?

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  • Hi, I'm new, I want to know how can I create a memory match game with different levels, I need to add more cards in the next levels, please help

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  • Hi,

    in relative terms, creating a memory game is not too hard. You just need to learn a bit more about the general concepts of randomisation, switching layouts, etc.

    If you're completely new, maybe you can watch some of my tutorial video's on my youtube channel where you can see how some clones of existing games could be made. That will give you a general idea of the workings.

    The question you ask is pretty general, so more specific questions will benefit specific answers

    Hope this helps


  • Hi,

    in relative terms, creating a memory game is not too hard. You just need to learn a bit more about the general concepts of randomisation, switching layouts, etc.

    If you're completely new, maybe you can watch some of my tutorial video's on my youtube channel where you can see how some clones of existing games could be made. That will give you a general idea of the workings.

    The question you ask is pretty general, so more specific questions will benefit specific answers

    Hope this helps


    Thank you so much, yeah I'm completely new, I just started

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