I have some objects that I instance. An example would be a Tileset, a Sprite (specifically a Trigger), and NPCs.
Now the tileset of course can be drawn on, sprites have instance properties that can be set, etc. I, by convention, drag at least the first instance into a "Master" sheet so there's always that first core instance. I can also drag multiple instances, and set each of them to have different instance variables. All of this works as expected.
But sometimes I get 'old' values when dragging new instances. For example, if I drag a new instance of Tileset into a layout, it will have one of the other layer's layouts by default, which I have to erase before I can draw new stuff on it. Similarly, I may drag a new trigger instance into a layout, and for whatever reason, its attributes default to a previous instance's attributes (even though I have one on the Master sheet).
SOMETIMES when I drag a tileset to a layout, it's blank as expected.
I'm really confused here. How does it decide what the 'default' state is?