How to use Canvas plugin in a way similar to paster?

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Pixel Destruction like in "Worms" (Drawing Canvas based)
  • Hello!

    does anyone can share a way yo make work the canvas plugin in the same way as paster?

    I mean I need to

    a) rotate canvas,

    b) change resolution of canvas,

    c) change size of canvas after pasting objects

    d) paste offscreen objects

    what of this things can be not achieved and which ones can be achieved?

    any c3p will be really apreciated

  • a) rotate canvas - not possible. Vote for the idea to add it:

    b) change resolution of canvas - not possible

    c) change size of canvas after pasting objects - possible, but if you try to draw/paste anything else on it, the previous image will disappear.

    d) paste offscreen objects - it works for me.

  • a) rotate canvas - not possible. Vote for the idea to add it:

    I already did before I wrote this comment.. I am too desperate about it :)

    d) paste offscreen objects - it works for me.

    about d) do you have any sharing example?... the way I do (as worked in paster) do not work... and I squeezed my mind in order to try everything up to my knowledge.. ;(

    thank you very much for your support!

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  • d) Just paste and wait 1 tick before moving the canvas or the object.

  • Damm, this I didn´t try and make a whole lot of sense!

    thank you!

    P.S. and about erase canvas (as in scratch games or lemmings) do you know anything?

  • Yes, you can draw with different blend modes, which you can use to erase parts of the image.

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