I can't create a custom life bar over the head of the enemy i have 10 enemy help
Use a container and for each health bar set it to above enemy's head position.
Also the value of Health bar set to enemy.HP(instance variable of enemy).
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Here is my example:
The way you can make a bar that scales to any size you make it is set its width or whatever to:
max(Bar.fullSize * (Bar.currentValue / Bar.maxValue), 0)
fullSize would be its 100% full size in px.
Only works for one :(
I tried on a new proyect...
Just add the text object as a child to the sprite object and it gives you options like to be positioned with the parent. Your screenshot has the objects lacking any ID information where Construct can know whose text is whose.
The thing I've learned with C3 is try to make everything with as few events as possible. If a behavior can do what you want to just as well as events, use it instead.
Thank you man :)