Bounciness problem

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  • I have a wooden crate with physics behavior and bounciness 0. And there is a tennis ball with bounciness 0.65. When crate falls on the ball, it bounces off the ball, How can I prevent it?

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  • It's normal I think, imagine a tennis ball, and a block of wood for example, the ball can bounce but the box can't unless it falls on something that bounces!

    In fact, if you drop a wooden cube that doesn't bounce on a tennis ball that does, then your wooden cube will bounce on the tennis ball!

    Do you want to stop it?

    Incompatibility detected!

    Remedy: Make sure the tennis ball can't bounce.

    I can't think of anything else, but maybe I'm wrong!

    Maybe you can create a condition like this:

    If the ball (first) collides with the cube, then the ball bounces off the cube.

    Otherwise, if the (first) cube collides with the ball, then the ball doesn't bounce off the cube.

    But I can't be sure this will work, because I don't know if C3 will understand this, I doubt it, maybe we'll have to add motion conditions...

    If ball moves:

    - If cube moves:

    - ...

    - Otherwise If cube doesn't move:

    - ...

    Else If ball does not move:

    - If cube moves:

    - ...

    - Else If cube does not move:

    - ...

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