What is the best way to display an object?

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  • My game has different objects like backgrounds and avatars. For example, if you load a lot of frames into these objects, then this will be an extra load of memory on the layout. Therefore, I decided to move all the images to the Files folder and load the object through the Load from URL. But here another problem arises - sometimes such loading works slowly.

    How can you do it in an optimized and instant way?

    I also found one obscure feature, you can view it in the source. When starting the layout and changing the icon, everything will not work correctly, but move the "FramesIcons" sprite from the "IconsRoom" layout to the "Menu" layout and you will see that the images load correctly when the icon is changed.

  • You either have to load the images on start-up so you can get them instantly, but leading to higher memory usage.

    Or load them from the files when needed, based on file size and the speed of the used hardware it will take some time to load.

    So there is no real other way afaik.

    One thing comes to mind is having a low res version (which won't use much memory) that you load on start up, so you can instantly display a low res version until the proper image is loaded via URL.

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  • Could be a suggestion for Scirra to add, so when creating an objects that is not loaded it could load the lower mip-maps and display them similar to progressive image loading on the web.

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