Hi All,
Im trying to use a dropdown list to find the index/curY of an Array. It works fine when i click on a button, but it doesnt seem to work when selecting the item from a dropdown list. Is it possible? Both methods are the exact same, the only difference is text is set from clicking a button or by selecting it from a list...
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Yes it is possible: dropbox.com/scl/fi/fggremv7plyxtzxzdwryo/text-to-dropdown-list.capx
Hi Alextro,
Thanks for the reply. The .capx you have doesnt have an array, its the position of the array im trying to find. So for example in my one if you pick "Bob" then it will return "0" as thats the position of his name in the array.
My bad! Again I Hardly remember the correct file name. Here it is: drive.google.com/file/d/1RXzFAsbHLEumbRVyqKszB8J_yOmIeB-X/view
omg, so simple when you know how! Thanks a lot Alextro, very much appreciated!!!