It's very easy to distribute sprites using lerp expression. For example:
Card set X to lerp(50, 500, card.iid/(Card.count-1))
If you need to do this only for some sprite instances, say you need to re-arrange cards that belong to player 1:
Card compare instance variable player=1
local variable NumberOfCards
Set NumberOfCards to Card.pickedCount
System for each Card
Card set X to lerp(50, 500, loopindex/(NumberOfCards-1))
The above will work better for a large number of cards. When there are only 1-3 cards left, they will be too far apart. If you need to keep cards together, say at fixed 80px distance from each other, you need to use some other method. For example:
Card set X to Card.iid*80 + (LayoutWidth/2-(Card.Count-1)*80/2)