Maybe this image will help, please forgive the convlutedness of it, but it was necessary to make the 4 directional hits thing.
I have gone through it at the bottom and explained it on case you are not sure why certain things are the way they are.
p_hurt = "not" //need to do this so the player only collides once
p_invulnerable=0 //I have done this so the player cannot get hit for about 2 seconds after he lands.
p_health > 0 //so this will only trigger when the player health is above 0
player is overlapping Damage //damage is the name of the enemy family for now
player x > Damage.X //this is so where on the coordinates the player is
p_facing = left //so we know to do this only when the character faces left
trigger once
p_ishurt to "subtract" //this goes elsewhere to call the value of health to subtract
p_washit to f_left" //this records which of the 4 possible ways the player gets hit, so when subtracts has removed health, it turns into "where", this is important because the animation playing could be the death of the character instead of the one being hurt, it needs to know before it plays it.
p_ishurt = "where"//after subtracting health it now comes back here to do the next thing
p_facing = "left" //even if redundant I had to place it here because it was causing some bugs otherwise
p_health >o = // this needs to know you are not dead yet so it plays this animation.
p_washit = "f_left" //this is to confirm the hit location
p_ishurt to "f_left" //this is used to confirm and trigger the right animation and event
p_ishurt = "f_left" //this event starts now because of what is aboove
trigger once
vector y // makes it move from damage
vector x // same as above
p_crouch to not" //this makes sure than any other animation is cancelled if you are hit
p_punch to not //same as above
p_kick to not //same as above
protagonist //sets the hurt animation for this specific orientation and location
The following is the same as before, but we are checking to see if the character is dead instead.
So first of all, how to I fix the direction hit issue so that the x is of the instance of the enemy, not of the first one being called for.