Hi everyone,
I'm trying to create an animated text with the BBCode offsety.
I can apply it to a whole text, so that the whole text has its y altered, but the problem arises when I need to animate it.
1) I suppose if I want the whole text to be animated, I need to apply it to every letter separately?
2) I guess I should add a random value in the equation, else the text will simply be offset by the value I mentionned, and no animation will occur?
3) I guess the text has to be updated every tick, else the letters will just be offsetted once, but no animation will occur?
Am I correct?
If yes, I got the most trouble with point 2). As soon as I want to add a random value in the BBCode, the text stops displaying.
For example, I suppose
set text to "[offsety=random(10)]H[/offsety][offsety=random(10)]E[/offsety][offsety=random(10)]L[/offsety][offsety=random(10)]L[/offsety][offsety=random(10)]O[/offsety][offsety=random(10)].[/offsety]"
would be the correct way to make the text animated with an offsety on each letter, but nothing shows up.
I'm probably missing something obvious.
Thanks for your help!