Im sorry, but it doesn't seem like you gave me much help here? This waiting/roaming option is what I am trying to do, but how to do it is the problem. I just started messing with Construct a few weeks ago and some of the terminologies is still getting used to. The only "variable form" I am finding is the option to add Instance Variables, but that doesn't seem to be the option I want. the AI currently do roam freely, and each individually responds to the player when it is in range (moves in the players direction). I did just check the "Compare Two Values parameter i used for the "Fly to player when in range" function, but that doesnt seem like the right spot.
I have to make assumptions as there are no events posted, only a description of the issue that occurred. I also made an assumption on your skill level as you look to have implemented something already and mentioned you are making an MMO so I didn't go into detail with the specific how to, only the general. If you're sure that the picking is correct and it's not a problem with actual implementation then I can't help any more with this, it sounds like a bug. I would have to see a screenshot of the events or a shared C3 file to help debug the issue.
I have this option right now, currently, my mouse controls are as follow...
• When left button is CLICKED on AI the player is angled to face the monster.
• When left button is DOWN the player rotates toward mouse position, and finds path then moves along this path.
I want my player to be able to use the mouse to move the character, but I also want the mouse to be an interactive control used to target enemy AI as well is pick up loot.
Potentially you could have the main character object that always rotates toward mouse position for movement then have a visual character object pinned to it that either faces an AI if selected or faces mouse position if AI not selected.