So it's a bit hard to explain, but I'll try the best I can. I want to make a game in which you play as this ship and you have two cannons. Now you can equip different weapons on cannons, or the same one on both of them. I'm kind of struggling with doing so. As you can see from these screenshots I've made it so that when you click on the little box some buttons will pop up. One for equipping the weapon on the left, one for the right, and one for both of them (haven't made the both button yet)
Now the problem is that most of the time when I'm trying to equip a weapon it seems like it's random what it does, and it's annoying me a lot as it's hard to find out what's wrong.
Here is my event sheet for this layout, and on the bottom is a pic of the layout itself
I should also point out that the layers Player, and Background has a parallax of 0, while Menu is normal, and the normal weapons on the left are on the Player Layer
So I feel like the problem has to do with me selecting the weapon that's the closest to the Mouse, however I do not know how to do it otherwise
I've struggled with this for some days and I could really need some help, thanks in advance