The problem isn't in the look up/down group, it's above it. The events in the look up/down should be working fine, but even if it is triggered, the events above (Camera MoveTo is Enabled / Player Is on Floor) will end up triggering the next tick anyways, meaning that it would "cancel" out the look up/down.
Try this: add a global variable boolean called lookingUpOrDown (or whatever you want to call it) and set it to true on the On Timer events. Then, on the Camera MoveTo is Enabled and Player Is on Floor events, add a condition to check if lookingUpOrDown is false and only trigger if it is false. (Use System > Is Boolean Set, then right click on the condition and press Invert. This checks if the condition is NOT true.)
Then on the W / S Released event, add Set lookingUpOrDown to false as an action.
Hope this helps / works!
EDIT: fixed a typo