Hi. My first tiny game is in the Xbox store now! 😄
But I noticed a few things.
1. in sandbox testing logged in Gamertag and picture was shown but on my Xbox I can’t see it.
2. hitting B on gamepad closes the game and I have to click on it again to launch it. Problem with gamepad plugin?
3. GameHub does not show leaderboards/stats (I added 2 in Dev center and via plugin actions)
4. starting a mixer stream makes the game much slower and stuttering. Hitting B closes the game and cancels the stream.
5. gamehub is missing small Icon in upper left and game added to home screen has no image.
Did anyone already publish a Construct game and could fix this?
You can test it here: https://www.microsoft.com/de-DE/store/p ... ZXG8K8Z8DH