Why doesn't the Construct 3 editor workspace layout save on exit?

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  • I'm either blind and can't find this option or it simply doesn't exist. All my docked bars simply remove themselves on exit. Surely I can't be the only one who wants to keep the editor UI layout between sessions? Why is this not an option and more importantly - can it be?


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  • it does save for me. Are you maybe deleting some browser data after each session?

  • Okay, so I've been using Construct 3 since it was released and it never saved my layout. Never did I think it was an issue on my end. Checked on a different browser and it works...

    Reset my cookies and it's saving now. It must have been a corrupted cookie or something. Jeez. Thanks!

    I'm putting this warning on both my posts in case someone is still using that type of backup, which you shouldn't by the way.

  • I have used C3 for a few years at least and its never saved the layout for me...strange.

    i have a super-ultrawide monitor, and usually have a layout on the left half of the screen, and the event sheet on the right.

    Every time i open the app, it has never saved positions.

  • I have used C3 for a few years at least and its never saved the layout for me...strange.

    i have a super-ultrawide monitor, and usually have a layout on the left half of the screen, and the event sheet on the right.

    Every time i open the app, it has never saved positions.

    I was right there where you are until earlier today, after clearing all the browsing data from construct.net it's been working fine and it's saving. I'm also on a ultra-wide and it's been bugging me that I can't utilize the space efficiently. No more.

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