Please, can you help me with a button I made of a sprite which does not go to another layout when clicked?
These are the layouts:
Here is the event which should switch back to layout lay_Level001:
When the player hit the purple rectangular object at the end of layout lay_Level001, the layout lay_TitleScreen is shown.
When the player click with the mouse on the green button sprite btn_NextLevel (I placed the "Continue" text deliberatelly above that button), he should go back to layout lay_Level001 (this is just for testing purposes, in reality when everything works the player goes to the next level).
Problem is now that when the green continue button is clicked, nothing happens. I can do what ever I want, nothing happens.
I discussed this for ours with ChatGPT and whatever solution is coming up, nothing works.
Please, can you tell me where I went wrong?
I am using the r420.2 beta release.
Thank you so much for your help which I appreciate.
Kind Regards,