To understand why this matters and to give you some perspective, I'm not sure if you've seen my code before but it looks like this in my project
because even taking the smallest amount of code like in the project I shared and converting it into conditions like this
just adding one simple condition makes performance much worse
because while less expressions are used, it has to loop through every sprite object twice, once to make it move, and a second time to check the condition for being outside and put it back at the beginning, instead of doing all of the operations at once.
This is why I want better picking not limited to containers, because once a game starts to get as complex as mine, can you imagine the performance hit if all of those conditions i have in my actions were condition blocks, it would be a slog and my game wouldn't even be possible.
That'S why I was so excited by this Scene graph thing, to make my code more modular and easy to use, loop through a smaller amount of children and apply to their parent, instead of looping through all of the parents to see if a "child exists"/"condition is met" like i have to do now