Revert to previous update?

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Fantasy Game includes more than 600 sound effects inspired by hit computer games like World of Warcraft and Diablo.
  • I've had some big time crash issues with r151. Luckily I hadn't saved my project before these crashes and was able to just stick to r150. Today, somehow, my project was saved while I was unknowingly in r151. My question is: is it possible to revert a saved file to a previous c3 version? Otherwise I can't work on anything :(


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  • Here's the report on my end, if anyone is interested:

    Type: unhandled rejection

    Reason: Error: Cannot read property 'ǃey' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'ǃey' of undefined at Object.ǃKgs ( at Object.ǃKvD ( at Array. ( at Object.ǃpQH ( at Object.dispatchEvent ( at Object.ǃwMc ( at e.ǃwMJ ( at e.ǃMJ ( at new ( at

    Stack: TypeError: Cannot read property 'ǃey' of undefined at Object.ǃKgs ( at Object.ǃKvD ( at Array. ( at Object.ǃpQH ( at Object.dispatchEvent ( at Object.ǃwMc ( at e.ǃwMJ ( at e.ǃMJ ( at new ( at

    Construct 3 version: r151


    Date: Wed May 29 2019 19:07:57 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)

    Uptime: 396.4 s

  • Please report any such issues on the bug tracker following all the guidelines otherwise it cannot be investigated. Beta releases are for testing purposes and can have stability issues so we recommend backing up any important projects you use with beta releases. (As with any digital work, it is important to take regular backups anyway.)

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