As a member of our c3 community, I have noticed that we have been fortunate to have some true legends among us, individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the growth and success of our C3 community. R0J0hound, Dop2000, blackhornet, newt, GeorgeZaharia, rafaeltrigo, el3um4s (in no particular order, and there are several others) are just a few names I wish to mention, as they have played pivotal roles in making our community what it is today.
While we have a top contributor mark in the profile section to acknowledge valuable contributions, I believe that these legendary individuals deserve something more special to truly honor their dedication and hard work. I would like to propose the idea of having a distinctive banner placed on top of their profile photos, labeling them as "Construct Legends" – a symbolic tribute to their immense impact on our community.
Such a gesture would not only provide well-deserved recognition to these exceptional contributors but also inspire others to strive for greatness within our c3 community.
cc Ashley