problem gamepix publication

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  • 5 posts
  • gamepix message for me

    game package you uploaded has failed the optimization process.

    The most common issues during the optimization process are:

    The archive contains the game files in a folder.

    e.g. /gamename/index.html instead of /index.html

    There is no index.html named file in the root.

    The index.html file is misspelled.

    e.g. _index.html or home.html or gamename.html

    support response this:

    Dear developer,

    Thanks for your email.

    We made a check and the problem seems to be related with the compression software you're using to build the zip file.

    We suggest you to use a different softward to create the zip file.

    help me please

  • c3 now uses the zip64 format and some sites cannot read zip files due to zip64 format.

    If you extract the zip file and zip it again, the problem will be fixed.

  • ok, meanwhile thank you for your help, as soon as I can I'll rebuild everything and let you know..... good

  • perfect work, thank you so much

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  • I have same issue but re-compress does not fix it. Any suggestions? Thanks

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