Pathfinding new problem

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Units do not overlap each other and use different ways if there are several free ways.
  • when the Pathfinding seeks the new path, in seeking it it sometimes turns on itself, to find the right angle from which to move. I, on the other hand, would not want it to turn on itself, but rather that it would make a U-shaped or a little rotational movement, but not on itself

  • I suggest you use two objects: one invisible object with the pathfinding behavior, and another which is visible and interpolates ("follows") the position/angle of the pathfinder.

    That way you can control the smoothness of the motion which the player sees.

    You could also do this with a single object and the MoveTo behavior, using pathfinding nodes. Either method will require some fine-tuning to get it right.

  • You can set the padding around the obstacles higher so that sharp edged obstacles are blunted when you move around them. Make the search squares smaller with big padding and you won't get sharp turns around sharp solids.

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  • ok thank tou i test this..

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