Hi, I'm basing an objects speed on a tween value.
The object accelerates niceley but when the tween finishes the speed goes straight to zero. Here is the code..
My function:
* On function 'TL_Ease_To_New_Train_Speed'
* Parameter 'new_train_speed' (Number)
-> TL_Speed_Easer: Tween "Tween Speed" value from train_speed to new_train_speed in 5 seconds (Linear, destroy: No, loop: No, ping pong: No)
And every tick I match my train speed to the tween value..
+ System: Every tick
-> System: Set train_speed to TL_Speed_Easer.Tween.Value("Tween Speed")
Any ideas? I would expect the value of the tween to remain at its end value once finished.