My export was made from C3 runtime, using NWjs' last version (0.54) and ignore gpu blacklist was left checked by default. The runtime is Construct3's.
When I launch the app for the first time in a session, it will start appropriately. But if I quit it and launch it again and again, eventually it'll not start :
App's window remains white, or grey, or displays this message :
Software update needed This content is not supported because your device's software is out-of-date. Try installing any available software updates. Alternatively try on a different device. Missing features: WebGL User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (@62f83a7521ae1f) (KHTML, like Gecko, Chrome, Safari) NWjs/0.54.0
To be able to make it launchable again, I have to open the Windows task manager and end task of the nwjs instance.
Any idea guys ?