New Admob SDK 20.x is deprecated

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20 high-quality 2D monsters. This asset is perfect for a side scrolling game, or even a turn based RPG type game.
  • I've tried r405 and it works fine so far for Android, but for IOS there is a problem: interstitial ads and rewarded ads are loaded/displayed only once. Then you need to restart the app to load a new ads.

    Btw, worked fine with an old AdvertMobile plugin.

    Any solution for this?

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  • To fix this issue load the ad after the ad has been closed by the user, with a dismiss condition.

  • Thanks, do you know is this a temporary solution? Because to increase performance I don't want to load a new ad on dismiss, as it drops performance of the game, I load new ad when some static layers (an example pop-ups etc.) are visible only.

    UPD: I don't see On dismiss event for AdvertMobile. I've tried On Cancelled and On Completed, but it doesn't help, the issue is still there. (but with On Completed I see 2 rewarded ads without restart)

    Is there any other option that could help?

    Thanks in advance!

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