Hi, I'm developing an Android/iOS game that requires microphone permission.
Basically on iOS it shows two prompts on the first launch and shows always one prompt on subsequent sessions ignoring the user permission decisions given on previous sessions.
From a user experience point of view it's very annoying to give mic permission every single time the game is launched.
Is anyone experiencing this?And can anyone point me to a possible solution?
On Android all works well:
-I request the mic permission
-The prompt shows up
-The user gives permission
-I play the game and I close it
-The next time I launch the game the permission doesn't show up because the user already accepted it on a previous session.
On the other hand, on iOS(Cordova):
-I request the mic permission
-On the first launch it shows one prompt
-The user gives permission
-It show a second prompt
-The user gives permission again
-I play the game and I close it
-The next time and every subsequent session I play the game it shows a prompt again but just one time.