MoveTo speed not working

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  • For some reason, when I try to set the speed for a Move To behavior it doesn't work.

    The sprite always moves at the max speed. I can change the max speed value and the sprite's speed changes. If I change the speed, there is no effect.

    I opened the "Move To" example from the MoveTo behavior manual page. I clicked "add action" and selected the sprite, selected MoveTo -> set speed and put in a value, such as 5. Then ran the example and clicked and it moved at the max speed. (Change the Acceleration, Deceleration, and Rotate Speed to 0 to make it easier to see the problem).

    I've tried putting the MoveTo "set speed" action before the MoveTo (position) (Direct) call, and after, no difference.

    Create an action to change the max speed, e.g. to 1000, and the sprite moves at 1000.

    Any ideas?

  • "Set speed" sets momentary speed. It can be used to temporarily slow the object down (if acceleration is configured). Then the object will accelerate to max speed.

    You can run this action on every tick, but it would be easier to just change max speed.

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  • Thanks. Would be nice if the Move To documentation explained that...

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