Mosaic / Tilemap/Brush - Terrains

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Best car suspension with spring effect and very cool terrain generation.
  • Hello community... I was reading the documentation and digging deep into the new tilemap...

    Honestly when I laid eyes on it I thought I would never need tiled again... But brush 47 forces me to have tiles that I don't have bugging the whole map.

    I found it interesting that he opined and required tiles of 1, instead of working with the rule of 3 (corner, middle, corner)

    But despite that...

    I realized some very complicated things,

    At first I felt a difficulty using "old" tilesets in accordance with the brushes.

    (yes you will say: - The brushes are a feature of C3 that forces you to use 47 tiles to have the correct use)

    Here comes the post of this topic... Isn't it better to use the terrain system in TILED?

    I still believe in the potential of this method of painting 1 tile containing all the edges, but I'm not ready for this art...

    for example in a set of 16x16 tiles you will only have 8 pixels to make each side of a mountain...

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  • Take a look at Tilesetter

    With that tool you should be able to generate the 47 tile variants with the tiles you already have.

  • Very well... Let me see.

  • I managed to do this by trying to fill in what is necessary... You can use my tileset at will, I would just appreciate a credit.

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