(I use Google Translator. Please understand if English is strange.)
Hi, everyone.
I wanted to launch the game on the Google Store, so I built the apk file using "MobileIAP".
but MobileIAP is not work in C3 Runtime.
If I change to C2 runtime, mobileIAP works well, but this time the "APK built" game does not work.
Games that export to preview games or facebook instant games work well.
Is it Bugs R117-2 Version?
1. My c3p file version = R117-2
2. I Made Facebook Instant game Publishing = OK.. "FBInstantgame" Plug-in Work Well.
3. Google Play publishing preparation course. = All OK. (inApp ID, Public Key, Alpha Upload, etc...)
4. "MobileIAP" Additional work. = Complete
5. APKdebugBuild. on C3 Runtime = Games Work well but "MobileIAP" is NOT work.
6. APKdebugBuild. on C2 Runtime = MobileAP is GOOD work. but games Stop Play at "1 stage start"