MobileAdvert: Adaptive Banner Support?

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  • Hi Construct 3 Team,

    I'm writing to inquire about the possibility of adding support for adaptive banners in the MobileAdvert extension. As you know, Smart Banners are now deprecated and Google recommends using adaptive banners instead. Adaptive banners offer a number of advantages, including:

    Better use of screen space: Adaptive banners adjust their size to fit the available screen space, making them more visually appealing and less intrusive.

    Higher fill rates: Adaptive banners have higher fill rates than Smart Banners, which means that you are more likely to have an ad displayed.

    More consistent user experience: Adaptive banners provide a more consistent user experience across different devices, as they are always displayed in a way that is appropriate for the screen size.

    I understand that the MobileAdvert extension is already quite powerful, but adding support for adaptive banners would make it even more valuable to developers. I believe that this would be a great way to improve the user experience for mobile games and applications built with Construct 3.

    Could you please consider adding support for adaptive banners to the MobileAdvert extension in a future update?

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


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