Yes, the plugin is now out of date unfortunately and uses deprecated functionality, which is no longer supported or maintained by Google.
We need the Mobile Advert to be updated (or a new Advert plugin maybe, since it will be some breaking changes) to the very latest Admob iOS SDK as well as the latest Android Admob SDK.
But most of all the plugin must comply with UMP/Funding Choices, since the old EU consent is deprecated.
I fully understand that it is a lot of work to update (and also maintain) this plugin, but this needs to be developed/updated. At least an ETA for it. I know it was Nepeo/shortercode who did most of the work earlier on this. So sorry tagging you
Ashley but I believe this needs some attention.
Can you also verify which SDK versions the plugin currently uses?
The current plugin does not seem to fully comply with the new ATT standard for iOS 14, which you get a red warning about in Admob console. (This was updated in one of the latest SDK releases)
(I know there is a bug report for Mobile Advert currently from Lukas, that is bugs concerning the old deprecated EU concent. I hope that will be "solved" by leaving all that and start to use UMP instead)