Is there a mathematical way to convert Gamepad Analog Stick Sensitivity using a math equation?
The Analog Stick X axis returns (-100 to 0 to 100), this control spins the angle of my player. However I've noticed -as a player- that its hard to make fine-tune adjustments.
So ideally I'd like to make it an exponential curve instead of a linear line. So I'd like 1-75 have less of an effect, and when the player goes to extreme left/right its the full 100. This is mainly to help aiming and to give the controls a more "touch" friendly feel.
Currently my code is:
Rotate max(1,(Gamepad.Axis(0,0) * Player.pTurnRate) * dt) clockwise
and Left
Rotate max(1,(abs(Gamepad.Axis(0,0)) * Player.pTurnRate) * dt) counter-clockwise
Sorry, I've always struggled with maths, I can usually understand it, if explained, but not great at coming up with the solution without help.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! tia