Major Issue

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  • I have been working on a game for months on Steam. It has been played without issue for all that time.

    I recently updated to version 350, and suddenly all my exports are being registered as containing viruses.

    I decided to revert back to version 344.2, but now it's unable to open any projects that it used to be able to. It says

    These files worked fine when I was working in v344.2 so why aren't they now?

  • If you save your prject in a higher version you cannot open the project in a lower version later. The version number is saved as a string within the file.

    The reason for this is that some new features (or breaking changes) might be introduced in newer versions.

    If you for sure know that you have not used any new functionality you can alter your files to switch back to the old version.

  • this is not due to r350 but the nwjs version being falsely marked as a trojan ( You should be able to keep using 350, but be sure to export with an older nwjs version

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  • If you save your prject in a higher version you cannot open the project in a lower version later. The version number is saved as a string within the file.

    The reason for this is that some new features (or breaking changes) might be introduced in newer versions.

    If you for sure know that you have not used any new functionality you can alter your files to switch back to the old version.

    As mentioned, I reverted to 344.2 then tried to open a version saved with that version. That's the error message. If I try to open something newer, it won't let me. It says "This was saved with 350."

    It won't let me open these files in 344.2. That's the issue. I can open files saved earlier than 344.2, but not those saved with it.

    this is not due to r350 but the nwjs version being falsely marked as a trojan ( You should be able to keep using 350, but be sure to export with an older nwjs version

    I'm exporting with v71 in the nw.js as that's the only one that works with Steam. It's the same version I've been exporting with for 4 months without issue.

  • I see, yea looking at the report I linked it seems like this now also affects old nwjs releases. weird.

  • What other Steam games are there that were made with Construct 3? I imagine all of them are suddenly getting this issue.

  • If I just open the editor and create a blank project and do a nwjs export my system (Windows 11) also flag the export as a threat when I extract the zip.

    It is the exe file for win64 (not the win32 exe, that is fine)

    Trojan: Win32/Doplik

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