Help me with advice from someone who has been using Construct 3 for some time.

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From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • I used to be very focused on Construct 2, and when Construct 3 came out, I subscribed for a few months.

    In 2018, I published some games on Google Play, but I ended up giving up on everything. Some are still listed as "Draft". Can I download the game from there again to edit?

    I have some backup folders on my drive from 2018, where I have some .capx files, but I can't reopen these files in Construct 3 (they don’t show up when I try to open them).

    Is there any other way to try to find my files? I really don’t want to have to redo everything from scratch...

    Since it’s been more than 5 years, I believe a lot has changed! I believe everything is more “automatic” and “easier” now...

    My game was similar to Angry Birds, but with a ninja...

    I had already implemented high scores, achievements, and rewards on Google Play. One of the things that took me the longest to do was these integrations at the time... Is there something more "automated" today?

    Do you recommend trying to recover what I had, or would it be more advisable to start from scratch? Considering the big changes that have happened with C3?

    Thanks in advance.

  • You could still use Construct 2, and as far as I know you can import the capx into Construct 3.

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  • I always start from scratch--except for the graphics. However, don't take my advice, I never finish anything.



  • Thank you for the responses, everyone. While I’m still deciding what to do with this large project, I’ve started a new, smaller-scale project to get back into learning.

    Thank you for the experiences and tips ( i`l search how to import from c2 to c3).

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