Thanks, JASEOO. I should have included that with my original post. (Just added it.)
Here's some info about my project. Though I'm not sure if this is including my dictionary which has nearly 15,000 words in it. (This is a .json file that I load into a dictionary.)
Project statistics
Name: MyGame
Layouts: 1
Event sheets: 2
Total number of events: 221
Total number of conditions: 231
Total number of actions: 449
Total lines of JavaScript code: 0
Object types: 57
Families: 2
Estimated peak image memory usage
For each layout, the image memory requirement is estimated by summing the memory usage of the spritesheets used by objects on the layout. The peak image memory usage is the size of the largest single layout, since the runtime only loads one layout at a time.
Estimated peak memory usage is 18 mb due to largest layout game_layout
Top 10 layouts by image memory usage
game_layout: 18 mb
Top 10 event sheets by event count
Event sheet 1: 111 events
Functions: 110 events