I am not able to open one of my old C2 projects in C3 even though it will open in the last version of C2. The project is not using any 3rd party plugins or behaviors.
From the project file:
<plugin author="Scirra" id="Function" version="1">Function</plugin>
<plugin author="Scirra" id="Sprite" version="1">Sprite</plugin>
<plugin author="Scirra" id="Text" version="1">Text</plugin>
<plugin author="Scirra" id="Touch" version="1">Touch</plugin>
<behavior author="Scirra" id="Bullet" version="1">Bullet</behavior>
<behavior author="Scirra" id="DragnDrop" version="1">Drag & Drop</behavior>
<behavior author="Scirra" id="Pin" version="1">Pin</behavior>
I checked the console and got this:
[Project] Exception opening:
window.Mx {Ju: "'Sign' does not accept 0 parameters", jg: 'Incorrect parameters', QU: 42, H2: 46, Kc: w…w.rC}
H2: 46
Ju: "'Sign' does not accept 0 parameters"
c: window.rC {Pb: w…w.nG, fe: d, lob: d, Nu: {…}, lEa: 'Ship.X + BoardSize/20*VectorButton.VecX * Sign', …}
QU: 42
jg: "Incorrect parameters"
[[Prototype]]: Object
is there anyway I can recover the project?