What different beetwen using EveryTick and Blank

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  • I've always wondered if both methods are equally effective,

    I don't know, I don't understand

  • They are the same actually so you can't be wrong using every tick or leave it blank.

  • They are the same actually so you can't be wrong using every tick or leave it blank.

    ah ok,I think there will be an impact on performance

  • Well if you are "lazy" like me, you can leave it blank as a visual cue to quickly distinguish whether the event run on 'every tick' or else.

  • I am not a fan of the every tick condition even existing. Every event is evaluated every tick unless it's a trigger so adding or removing every tick literally does nothing.

    This sometimes tricks people that hear the advice "avoid running events every tick" to think that just not using that condition would improve performance.

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  • Well if you are "lazy" like me, you can leave it blank as a visual cue to quickly distinguish whether the event run on 'every tick' or else.

    I also often empty events, apart from that I also often use them as an alternative to groups, so I can shrink the code and hide it, I can also create local variables there, this is a very useful feature


  • I am not a fan of the every tick condition even existing. Every event is evaluated every tick unless it's a trigger so adding or removing every tick literally does nothing.

    This sometimes tricks people that hear the advice "avoid running events every tick" to think that just not using that condition would improve performance.

    ah, that's right,

    Every Tick is just an alternative to Blank so that the condition is described

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