Destroying object Tanks performance.

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  • Hey there,

    Im making a 2D Platformer and need some suggestions. I have items that are created and destroyed on any given level of my game. In this example I created a sign that tells the player how to jump and I have coins that the player collects. On collision with the coins I destroy them. As for the sign when the player is not overlapping the sign sprite I destroy the sign text and backdrop.

    Ive attached a video of whats happening. After a number of object are destroyed the game starts to stutter (Jank). Does anyone know what Im doing wrong here? Or maybe its just a limitation of the engine itself.


    - Ive tested this on multiple systems (Windows, Mac OS) and multiple browsers (Chrome, Arc) Same result.

    - Stuttering is happening as soon as an object is destroyed. This usually starts after a number of objects have been destroyed. Things start smooth then go down hill.

    - The Engine/Other activity seems to stay elevated but only When something is destroyed. So in the video it has a lower percentage when nothing is going on but will jump to the last percentage it left off at as soon as the next object is destroyed.

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  • You didn't pick a signpost so your events mean text will be spawned at every sign post in the level (unless tutorialsign and signpost are in a container) then when you step away destroy them all, this could be any number of objects. Then I notice your number of objects increasing just from walking to and from the sign post which raises another potential problem.

  • You didn't pick a signpost so your events mean text will be spawned at every sign post in the level (unless tutorialsign and signpost are in a container) then when you step away destroy them all, this could be any number of objects. Then I notice your number of objects increasing just from walking to and from the sign post which raises another potential problem.

    You are awesome, Thanks for answering. This gives me something tangible to look for. Let me see what I can find based on what you seen.

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