Hey guys,
Just 1 question: Construct 3 support wechat ?
Is there any solution, a plugin, something to publish on this platform too?
I have look into this (for a plugin), but i don't understand chinese..
What you mean? Where are exactly you search? Can you share a link? Thanks!
Hello again!
Anyone to help me?
I want to know either, anyone could answer this?
Is there any English documentation available? It's hard to even work out if it's possible without that.
Below 2 links:
I'm still not clear what you're after. Do you want a plugin that integrates with messaging? Is there a service similar to Instant Games that you want to publish to? Is it "mobile apps" or "mini programs"? It looks like a huge platform and I have no idea where to start.
I'm talking about mobile.
I believe a plugin will be a good choice.
For example take a look on phaser, have already about wechat:
indienova.com/indie-game-development/run-phaser-on-wechat-game-platform (with a translator will you read more in details)
The links are just examples. I don't know what exactly will help you.
If you already find something from the official links, it's ok.
If not, Let me know if you want to google more specific for you.
Thanks Ashley!
I still don't even know the name of the service you're asking us to integrate. Do you even know? Those links mostly refer to Chinese content again.
Ok Ashley, I will collect all links to understand more and i will post again soon. Thanks for your time.
I think the most interessting part from wechat is mini-games (like facebook instant games):
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Yes ok, but Ashley need useful links to understand.
Ok, i found this: developers.weixin.qq.com/minigame/en/introduction
( developers.weixin.qq.com/minigame/en/dev )
Registration: mp.weixin.qq.com
This should probably go into the suggestions page at construct3.ideas.aha.io
I for one think its worth looking into, as WeChat is literally the biggest platform in the world by users, although mostly focused in Asia.
Unfortunately it's probably a long shot, as we'll need to export/compile as a WeChat Mini Program rather than just HTML5.
Here's a nice primer/summary before diving into the Mini Program SDK and API - lewagon.com/blog/wechat-mini-games-making-noise-how-developers-get-started-guickly