Collision point add/ssubtracts 0.1 from a corner?

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  • Hiya, wondering if anyone has come across this and if there's a fix:

    When editing the collision points for a sprite, regardless of whether you manually enter the points, drag the points around, or use set to bounding box, one of the points will always subtract 0.1 from a corner after closing the sprite editor.

    Using Demonire as an example: if I go into the sprite editor for Player_Base and go to the collision tool, if I try setting each of the 4 points to the corner, the bottom-right point will set itself to x8 y7.9 even when I type x8 y8 or set to bounding box (which should set it to x8 y8 since the sprite is 8x8).

    This happens for every sprite so characters will sometimes stop moving if they're against a wall because they hit the 0.1 decrease.


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